Is a Nantucket whale watching excursion on your bucket list this year? The whale watching season begins mid-April when hundreds of whales migrate off the coast of Massachusetts to their feeding grounds. The best time to see whales are during the months of June, July, August and September. During the month of July several North Atlantic Right Whales were spotted along the southern coast of Nantucket in the area of Fisherman’s Beach and eastward. These gentle giants were seen about 100 years off shore along with several Humpback Whales. Many people have reported seeing Minke and Finback Whales, as well Atlantic White-sided Dolphins.
If you are planning to go whale watching we recommend that you keep an eye out on the marine weather forecast at When selecting the perfect day for whale watching, keep in mind offshore water conditions and weather conditions. Look for a day when the forecast predicts light wind and seas of 2 feet or less. Sure we all hope for blue skies and sunshine but it’s not the end of the world if the skies are partly cloudy or overcast. The most important factor is the size of the swells so you don’t get sea sick or have to return early due to bad weather conditions.
Don’t forget to pack a few important things:
#1 – Camera
#2 – Light Weight Wind Breaker
#3 – Emesyl Nausea Relief
#4 – Small Portable Cooler
#5 – Hat and don’t forget a hat clip!